Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Neo Coons, Mammies and Hip Hop Buffons

I'm going to keep this post short and sweet. But I'll probably make this a short series. The question I want to ask is what has happened to a lot of Black entertainment in America. After so many years of progress in the Entertainment area, a lot of stuff that passes for black entertainment today is demeaning, destructive, negative and reminds me of Uncle Tom shucking and jiving from back in the late 1800's and early 20th century. How did this happen? And why did this happen?

Basically many black people in movies and television are portraying themselves as nothing more than simple minded, over sexed, shucking and jiving, ignorant fools. What about having some class and showing oneself to be intelligent and educated? And how could many of us ignore the legacy of black people who fought to ensure that black people could portray themselves with dignity, respect, intelligence, and some measure of seriousness. Why are so many black people these days cooning for a couple of dollars. 

The way one portrays themselves in society and the media matters. It doesn't just matter on how others will perceive you but also how you feel about yourself, how you value yourself and culture. What many of the people in entertainment today are saying is "I value money but I don't value my community or myself." And many people need to stop blaming the people who control Hollywood or entertainment because a lot of these entertainers need little persuasion to act like as my grandmother would say "a blane fool." And many need to stop using the excuse that they're not role models because they are. In fact many people in society in general are role models everyday of putting out the right kind of behavior. I am not saying one has to act as if they are a bard or speak the King's English or even act stuffy or in a snobby manner. 

One can still be very down to earth but display intelligence, self respect, and self control, and dignified behavior. In fact cooning is an extreme and is the mark of an uneducated, somewhat undisciplined and untrained person. It does not signify professionalism and mastery of one's art. It also does not produce works of real quality that can carry a sense of timelessness that can uplift or inspire or be thought provoking or raise positive feelings and vibrations. In fact in my opinion there is no use for tasteless art  or entertainment in any society. And displaying taste and class does not mean that one cannot display a sense of spontaneity or creativity in ones work. It simply means that one presents the work in a disciplined and constructive way. 

Having said that I want to give severe criticism to a lot of entertainment that is being put out there by black people in the Entertainment Industry today and challenge black entertainers and artists to get more classical and professional training in any aspect of what they are doing and to display higher forms of artistic expression in their works whether it be acting, singing, rapping, film making, writing, comedy, etc. I also challenge many entertainers and artists to explore broader themes in their works and have themes that are more dignified, interesting, creative and varied in one's works. Stop trying to take short cuts, or do things half way and try to get money. Also one should always make continuous progress in their careers and stop being stuck on the same notes. 

It's time that many black people as well as black artists elevate themselves to a higher level of thinking, consciousness and exhibit a higher level of in control respectful and dignified behavior. The fact is that a lot of black entertainment looks as it were created by people with the mentality of children 2-14 years old but children who were only half home trained and supervised and only half educated or had the bare minimum of education. 

Let's take a few samples of media from entertainment, hip hop, music and movies to see the less than stellar state of some black entertainment.

Reality shows
When it comes to reality shows, it can be dismal across all demographic lines. In entertainment there is generally nowadays an overlapping meaning there are characters or people from many different backgrounds playing in the same dramas, shows, videos, or other media. That is the norm for today and it is a good norm. America is made of different people but we see ourselves strongest when we amalgamate together and we are one. Nevertheless there are still some shows in which there are predominant black characters and many of these shows are less than up to par. 

Basketball Wives: Where do I begin with this hot mess of a show? This is what happens when you give half educated, underdeveloped, or just plain ignorant and out of control hoodrats money,a little fame and a platform to thoroughly display their ignorance on. I mean it's just dismal. From the multiple out of control and vicious cat fights between the women (most of the time over nothing or nothing that's consequential), the unnecessary and vicious back biting,backstabbing and in fighting this show is an embarrassment for these women and to a certain extent the image of some black women. I mean really. How about doing a show on basketball wives where they talk about their loving marriages and the love of their husbands, or how they're trying to educate their kids, or about the charity work they're passionate about or the business projects they're putting together or have put together (and not just for the sake of something to do on the show in between fights) or how about their spiritual lives and getting closer with Allah. I mean almost anything constructive that will diverge from the hot mess fight and verbal abuse fest that takes place on the show daily.

Hip Hop Videos: On seeing Lupe Fiasco's video

I am reminded of how much of hip hop has turned away from a movement where artists are conscious  and take themselves seriously to the coon megafest it has become now. I mean really it's just ridiculous. Its as if a lot of artists have no perspective of their own and just seek to replicate the same tired video and lyric formula to get success. They will be dressed in high end street gear, flash fancy cars that are probably leased for the video ditto the houses, and parade a string of tired looking nasty, supposedly high end call girl women in their videos expressing dance in a way that only emphasis raw and nasty sex.  Not to say one can't be sexy when dancing, of course not but there should be some greater purpose in dance expression besides shaking your ass lasciviously to get dollars dropped on you by men, wearing weaves and wigs and and gyrating endlessly to the beats just for the sake of selling the videos for the male artists and getting a little fame.

And can we talk about the phenomenon of wearing scarfs and do rags around one's head looking like a plantation slave in the field. When many black people have tried to move past that head rag wearing     in public look that signified having to work in the fields for long hours doing back breaking work. I mean really, I question why in 2000 until now this look has been reintroduced into hip hop. I mean really. Its not a sophisticated or modern look and in no other culture or group do I see people regressing to dressing in rags and plain white t-shirts or wife beater shirts when they have access and can get clothes that are denote greater sophistication, wealth and modernity. I mean please. Couple that with the crazy "on the plantation" courting or hanging with your buddies throwback and what you have is just pure ignorance and a willing desire it seems to regress back to a time that is best forgotten. Its one thing to denote farm life and living on a farm that you own it is a whole other thing to portray life on a large plantation owned by someone else in which you were forced to work for free, beaten and oppressed. And I wonder when this type of look has no real cultural value in terms of advancing a community and the behavior has no value now upon advancing a community, why are some artists running back to portray it. It's one thing if that's how the artist grew up but many of these "entertainers" did not grow up like that so why are they going back to it. Is it just more cooning for their backers to feel good and less threatened? This type of behavior is best discarded and forgotten for higher ways of relating and portraying oneself.

The Ghetto Comedian: Oh, the ghetto comedian. Where do I begin? Do I begin with his potty mouth constantly spewing a chain of  vulgar expletives. Do I talk about the ignorant sophomoric content that they love to philosophize on? Or do I go for the demeaning and hateful potshots they throw at their sketches. Wherever I begin it's just dismal and sad. Don't get me wrong many comedians are talented like Katt Williams and while he can be a somewhat crass he's not the worse offender because a lot of what he says is funny and some even relevant but sometimes he goes a little over the top.

I'm talking about some of the lesser know Comedians and like Kevin Williams. Eddie Griffith to some extent also. Again here is where education and self editing come into play. The problem with these comedians is that once again with their negative crass comments and attitudes they once again bring down and demean a community. Why not talk about topics that denote a higher quality of life and thinking.
Why is it always welfare, or hos, or drugs or robbing or basically being a low grade human being in general? By always associating these topics with you and your community why picture or idea do you have of your community, of yourself? Obviously it isn't a very positive or enlightened one. Is this what their handlers want them to do? Degrade and spew hatred about black people. Also why not give solutions to some of these problems or work in organizations that might address them and bring a higher quality of life to your and the people who may be suffering under these conditions.
 It is especially problematic when they put down and degrade black women and anyone who goes to see these comedians should demand that they upgrade their content and the way they verbalize their jokes to make them more relevant for political and social critiques or observations that may highlight and criticize but does not demean and degrade the persons or subjects they are targeting.

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